") win2.document.close() } else alert("Failed in spawning a new window!") } function openwin(winname, winwidth, winheight) { winfeatures='"screenX=10,left=10,screenY=10,top=10,toolbar=no,location=no,status=no,menubar=no,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,width='+winwidth+',height='+winheight+'"' win2=window.open(winname ,"", winfeatures) } //-->
Couch Corner Graphics Couch Corner Graphics    
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Red, White, and Black | The Hot Fiery Section | Apple Blossom | Kauaii Reminiscence | Forget Me Knot


This category sort of covers anything that hasn't fallen into any of the other pages of this website.

So, the first one up is Red, White, and Black. These are actually templates for Blogger. I've just discovered this latest fad and found that I like it. It allows you to publish your thoughts out to a website without having to go the the tedium of coding it in html and uploading it each time you have something to post. These templates are more on the simplistic side. I went for form and function without hype or splash.

The next set is in the Hot Fiery Section. These templates use a combination of hot colors - mostly reds, yellows, and oranges - to generate their heat. These templates will require additional graphics for either page or cell backgrounds.

The templates use a combination of html and css that has been tested in major browser version 4 and greater (IE, Netscape, and Opera). You'll be able to see the template at 40% reduction from a 600x800 sized screen in the embedded graphic. To see that the template will scale up to a 1600x1200 resolution, I've used some javascript to open windows of those sizes. Just click on the size you'd like to try and it will open a new window.


Backgrounds | Coord Sets | Photo Manip | WET [Week End Theme] | PSP UG SLP | Links | Miscellanea  

Site maintained by Kelly LeVan-Shultz
Http://members.bellatlantic.net/~klevan Copyright © 2002.