") win2.document.close() } else alert("Failed in spawning a new window!") } function openwin(winname, winwidth, winheight) { winfeatures='"screenX=10,left=10,screenY=10,top=10,toolbar=no,location=no,status=no,menubar=no,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,width='+winwidth+',height='+winheight+'"' win2=window.open(winname ,"", winfeatures) } //-->
Couch Corner Graphics Couch Corner Graphics    
About | Contact | What's New blue square blue square blue squarespacer  

Red, White, and Black | The Hot Fiery Section | Apple Blossom | Kauaii Reminiscence | Forget Me Knot

Blogger Templates

Fire Columnade
Fire Columnade
640*480 - 600*800 - 1024*768 - 1152*864 - 1280*1024 - 1600*1200

Fire Weave
Fire Weave
640*480 - 600*800 - 1024*768 - 1152*864 - 1280*1024 - 1600*1200

These templates use a combination of html and css that has been tested in major browser version 4 and greater (IE, Netscape, and Opera).

You are seeing the template at 40% reduction from a 600x800 sized screen in the embedded graphic.

To see that the template will scale up to a 1600x1200 resolution, I've used some javascript to open windows of those sizes. Just click on the size you'd like to try and it will open a new window.

Depending upon your computers screen resolution, the window may be larger than your browser. Just click the icon in the upper left to close the window

Backgrounds | Coord Sets | Photo Manip | WET [Week End Theme] | PSP UG SLP | Links | Miscellanea  

Site maintained by Kelly LeVan-Shultz
Http://members.bellatlantic.net/~klevan Copyright © 2002.