button button button button button

Monet Set

I call this my Monet set because it reminds me of one of my favorite Monet paintings. This is a coordinated set and the graphics here were created with the intention that they would be used together on this background.

These graphics have been created with a variety of techniques.   I've picked up some new filters that I tried out and ended up with the left hand border for this page.  My newest set of filters are from Ilya Razmanov.  They're a free set of filters called Toadies and include Picasso's Last Word, Plain Mosaic, and Plain Mosaic Blur.  I'll take you through the steps to create the tile, but I didn't keep track of all the steps to create the left hand border background.  I've been keeping track of how I created some of the miscellaneous buttons, bars, and bullets I've used on the page, so feel free to duplicate anything you see here.  You won't find directions to create everything on this page, but you are welcome to use any graphics found here.  Please do not link off of my server, instead right click on the graphic and save to your own hard drive or web server.


Let me start with how to create the tile.

bulletStart with a new canvas 300x300, white, 16 million colors.
bulletSet foreground color to black (R0/G0/B0) and the background color to light blue (R192/G195/B226).
bulletFlood fill with the backgound color.
bulletSelect the airbrush and set to: no texture, size=44, opacity=60, density=33, hardness=30, step=44.
bulletRandomly paint with the foreground color, black.
bulletSwitch the color to dark red (R123/G27/B27) and paint across the canvas.
bulletSwitch the color to a mauve red (R165/G129/B129) and paint across the rest of the canvas.
bulletApply the PSP filter Blue More.
bulletApply the PSP filter Blur Motion 135 degrees at 20 pixels.
bulletApply the PSP filter Blur Motion 90 degrees at 20 pixels.
bulletApply Fantastic Machine's filter Paint Engine, select setting Bloom.
bulletApply Toadies' filter Blast'Em.
bulletApply Toadies' filter Plain Mosaic. You'll have to play with the settings a little to get the effect you want.
bulletApply Fantastic Machine's filter Paint Engine, select setting Bloom again.
bulletSave as tile to work from.

Among the really important topics: how to customize the buttons.

bulletCopy the above button to your hard drive.
bulletOpen your graphics program and import the graphic.
bulletAlways make a copy of the graphic and work on the copy rather than the original.
bulletChange the foreground text to a dark purple. I used the RGB value: R96/G46/B108.
bulletSelect the text tool and click in the center of the graphic. My software program PSP shows the location of the cursor in the bottom left corner. The location will show 60, 20 for the center of the image. Note, this is not the exact center as PSP starts with 0, 0 but it's close enough for this.
bulletThe settings for the text tool should be:    name of text = Bavand, style=bold, size=18. Make sure antialias is checked, choose alignment=left, and make sure floating is checked.
bulletThen type your text in the lower window.
bulletWhile the text is still selected, you can move it around the button. Once you have your placement, leave the text selected.
bulletIn order to get the carved into look, you'll need to apply some more filters.
bulletApply PSP filter Cutout with the following settings:    uncheck fill with interior color, shadow color black, opacity=100, blur=2, vertical=1, and horizontal=1.
bulletApply PSP filter Drop Shadow with the following settings:    color white, opacity=75, blur=2, vertical=1, horizontal=1.
bulletYou've finished adding the text to the button. Now save as a .gif file.


Square Bullet Right Arrow Bullet Round Bullet
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Last revised Monday, June 24, 2002 .
Site launched Sunday, January 31, 1999.
Maintained by Kelly LeVan-Shultz.